Conditional Checkout Fields Now Supports Product Variations
One of the beautiful things about Conditional Checkout Fields is the flexibility it provides in displaying fields at checkout. If a customer has a certain product in their cart, Conditional Checkout Fields can display fields specific to that product. No additional fields will be shown if the customer doesn’t have that product in their cart. This helps streamline the checkout experience so you are only asking for information you need.
This is a great benefit to many store owners. However, one of the things we were missing was the ability to add fields based on a product’s variation.
Conditional Checkout Fields For Product Variations
In the WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads versions of Conditional Checkout Fields, we’ve added the ability to display conditional fields based on the specific product variation that a customer is purchasing.
For example, let’s say your product is a book titled How To Market Your Business. Customers can buy the book just like any other product, but you also have an option for customers to purchase a 30 minute phone call with you. This phone call would show up as an option on the book’s product page on your website.
Now, when a customer purchases the book and phone call, you need a little more information than if they were just purchasing the book. For example, you might need to know a preferred date and time that they are available for the phone call. It would be silly though to ask for someone’s availability if they’re only buying the book.
So, with Conditional Checkout Fields, we can identify the variation of this product and cause our field(s) to show up only if the customer has that specific variation in their cart.
That field would look something like this:
When a customer buys the book only, or any other product for that matter, they won’t see this field.
What Will You Do With Conditional Fields For Product Variations?
There are dozens of use cases that would work wonderfully with product variations. How will you use conditional fields with your product’s variations?
Get Conditional Checkout Fields
for WooCommerce Get Conditional Checkout Fields
for Easy Digital Downloads